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GPU and GtRI Careers

Interns/Volunteers for Fall/Spring 2012 
Seeking several bright, energetic, self-starting, multi-tasking intern(s)/volunteers (unpaid) for start up, internationally-focused, social enterprise with mission to apply telehealth, telepractices,  and web-based learning models for health, early childhood, (re)habilitation, and education personnel capacity building, entrepreneurship, youth development in developing countries. Looking for those who make a strong commitment and enjoy building innovative programs.

  • Part-time and full-time internship and volunteer opportunities fall into several categories listed below. 
  • Partial or possible full-time telecommuting is feasible.

Based on your interests and GPU’s program development, we will evaluate your experience, skills and compatibility for the following positions. Examples of desirable competencies are not all-inclusive as other assignments may evolve. Flexibility for addressing evolving program activities is valued.

A passion for and some background in global human rights, international development, global healthcare, education for all, or disability program and policy issues is a ‘best fit’ for these positions.

Knowledge and Skills Desired

  • research and policy analysis and synthesis;
  • international development or related grant proposal writing;
  • demonstrated excellent writing skills;
  • demonstrated interpersonal skills; 
  • fundraising; and
  • awareness and sensitivity to cultural competent learning.

ICT, health IT,  e-learning background and web/blog development education and experience are relevant knowledge and talents for ICT-related intern/volunteer positions.

Knowledge and Skills Desired

  • web maintenance and development with drupal CMS platform;
  • experience with social media and blog development; and/or
  • knowledge of online learning open source LMS technologies

International business planning volunteer positions for those interested in associating with a globally oriented social enterprise for giving back are welcome to apply.

Knowledge and Skills Desired

  • international business regulatory analyses;
  • budget development for grant applications;
  • business administrative processes.

International grant and foundation fund seeking and proposal development and management

  • Knowledge of international grant development processes;
  • Familiarity with foundation funding;
  • Ability to match program domains to funders; and/or
  • Familiarity with software for facilitating grant proposal development and researching funders.

Grad students or retirees welcome. Must have own computer and broadband internet access. Bethesda location; telecommuting option.
Please provide background/resume, 2 writing samples, MAC and PC computer competencies, and three references. Email:  globalpartnersunited@gmail.com

We will contact those with potential prospects. Rolling start dates.