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USICD/DREDF National Teleconference: 50 State Strategy on CRPD Ratification Vote July 30th 2 pm ET
From David Morrissey, Executive Director, US International Council on Disability:
Happy ADA Anniversary!!! History was made today!!!
Twenty two years ago today, July 26, the ADA was signed and NOW... today July 26, 2012 the CRPD was voted favorably out of Committee and to the Senate floor! Thank you for all of your emails, letters and phone calls. This victory belongs to you!!!! What's next? The CRPD is now entering its final stage for a full floor vote in the Senate. We believe there is still time for floor action in the next week before the August recess. We have to make sure that every Senator hears the disability community's support behind this important treaty in order to achieve successful ratification! WE NEED a 2/3 VOTE TO RATIFY THIS TREATY... THAT MEANS A 50 STATE STRATEGY! We will not get floor time next week if we cannot show that we have the votes to block a filibuster. There is very little floor time left. As you know the Senate switchboards have been ringing with the homeschoolers, Phyllis Schlafly and Rick Santorum supporters. But our networks (YOU!) have shown the Foreign Relations Committee that we will not stop until this treaty is ratified... now we need to show the WHOLE Senate. So here's what is next: ACTION: We have just one week before the August recess! Activate EVERYONE to call, email, and visit your Senate offices! Tweet #CRPD and Facebook messages of support! EACH call and contact makes a difference! MESSAGE: "On July 26th, the anniversary of the ADA, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted in favor of the CRPD with bipartisan support! Please support the CRPD as it comes to a vote in the full Senate - this is important to the disability community! This is a Disability Issue!!" CONTACTS: The Capitol Switchboard number is (202) 224-3121. Ask to be connected to your Senator's office and call both Senators! Or, you can find Senator's contact information at this link: Mark your Calendar: National Call for Advocates on July 30th! Finally, please join DREDF and USICD for a national teleconference for updates on today's vote and important details of this final step! Date: Monday, July 30th Time: 2PM Eastern/11AM Pacific Victory is only ONE VOTE AWAY!
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