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Advocate for CRPD Ratification!

Dear friends, Your action is needed today! Please email, tweet or call your Senator TODAY and urge their approving ratification of the UN Convention (treaty) on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) affecting 1 billion children and adults --'the poorest of the poor' lacking access to education, healthcare, and employment in developed and developing countries. While US signed the treaty in 2009 along with 154 countries, it has impact for US persons with disabilities only when ratified. Pres. Obama has supported this action and bipartisan support is strong, but Heritage Foundation and home school organizations rallying a lot of opposition activity. Please tell your Senators: “The CRPD is coming to a vote this year! The disability community supports the CRPD and it is important to have your vote counted! Senator, please support the disability treaty!” Sample messages include-

I support the CRPD treaty and I want your vote in support of the treaty this year!
The CRPD will not cost the Federal Government any additional funds.
The CRPD has been reviewed by both Republican and Democratic Attorneys General and by past Counsel to Presidents. They confirm that it does not threaten the sovereignty of the U.S. nor does it require any new legislation to comply with the treaty.
This treaty is good for American business and for the world. It will allow us to bring our knowledge of making a society accessible to the whole world. (Check http://www.un.org/disabilities/ for treaty details)

We have the commitment of the Senate Majority Leader to move forward with a vote in the lame duck session, keep the momentum up – we’re almost there!  See http://www.usicd.org/index.cfm/crpdupdates as to current action pending, the testimony of the members of the Committee chaired by Sen. Kerry (D-MA), and letters already sent by individuals and organizations, including 21 organizations representing veterans. Note letters of support from Sen. John McCain, Sen. Bob Dole, President George H.W. Bush, Gov. Dick Thornburgh, C. Boyden Gray, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, 21 Veterans Organizations, and a link to Former Rep.Tony Coelho's and Senator Dole's Op-Eds, etc.

For International Colleagues
US International Council on Disabilities coalition is asking international colleagues to participate in a TWITTER-ONLY campaign. Please tweet the following statements:
- #United States Please ratify the #CRPD #UNCRPD It's critical for people with disabilities in my country of ______.
- #United States Please ratify the #CRPD #UNCRPD It's critical for 1 billion people with disabilities around the world.